
Showing posts from September, 2017

More Great Learning

This week in Maths we have moved onto addition and subtraction and using our number facts to help us move our learning forward. We have reminded ourselves of our number bonds to 10 to then help us with number bonds to 100. Ask the children what they can remember. This is a good activity for when you are in the car e.g. I know that 4 + 6 = 10 so 40 + 60 = 100. Here are some photos of our learning. 

Help! 😀

Just as the title suggests this is a post for two requests! Firstly, do you have any plastic bottles, preferably 2 litres, that Capella class could use for our Science next week? We only need 9 or 10 to help with our outdoor learning. Secondly, are you able to spare half and hour every so often to come and hear some readers? You don't need to commit to every week but every so often would be a great help to us. Many thanks

What a week!

We have had a fantastic week of learning. As you may have heard we have been looking at Mr Benn and the Red Knight and today the children wrote the most amazing story openers. We have spent this week consolidating our learning about place value and have begun counting in threes. Each week we are luck enough to have some PE time with Active Trowbridge. here are some photos from our session today.