
Showing posts from January, 2018


This afternoon we have had fun investigating waterproof materials. We were using pipettes to drop water on different materials to see what happened.


We have been using our drama skills this week again!   We have been re-enacting different scenes from the Great Fire of London.  We recorded ourselves acting different scenes eg in the bakery in Pudding Lane etc.  The children will use these as a stimulus next week to write their own diary entries as if they were actually in London in 1666.  We may even make our old paper again (using teabags) to really help us write in role. Watch this space for a glimpse of our writing ... Have a lovely weekend everyone and see you on Monday!


As part of our Science this afternoon we look at waterproof materials. We used wax crayon then painted over our pictures to see what happened!


We had a great PE lesson this afternoon. We have been working on our balances and sequencing movements.

The first week back!

It has been an amazing start to term. The children have returned so enthusiastic and ready to learn. We spent the first part of our week looking at homophones and have been practising using them correctly. Then moving on to our ICT work we have been using the BeeBots to give instructions.


Wow! What a morning we have had. The children recreated scenes from the Great Fire using props in the classroom. They even got the chance to dress up as Samuel Pepys. Here is just a snap shot of our drama!

Happy New Year!

Welcome Back! We hope you had a fantastic holiday. The children have certainly returned incredibly enthusiastic and ready to learn. Below you will find the class letter for the next two terms. As always, if you have any questions please do pop in. Happy New Year Dear Parents Welcome to 2018! We hope you have had a wonderful Christmas and have managed to relax! The next two terms in Year 2 are incredibly important for the children. For those of you that attended the information evening in November you’ll know the requirements needed from the children in order reach the expected standard for the end of Year 2. Over Terms 3 and 4 we have both chosen our favourite topics and combined them to make ‘What’s behind you!’ We will be travelling back in time to look at the Great Fire of London and leading into the life of Florence Nightingale.   ·          Literacy In Literacy we will continue to focus on spelling, especiall...